Awakening the Heart (Day 1 of 21-day Heart Centered Meditation Experience)

Описание к видео Awakening the Heart (Day 1 of 21-day Heart Centered Meditation Experience)

As we embark on this 21-day Heart Centered Meditation Experience, I'm thrilled to present our first meditation: “Awakening the Heart.” This meditation sets the tone for the days ahead, inviting you to explore the profound connection between your heart and the heart of Divinity, while opening up to a greater love.

Exclusive Bonus Offer:
An exclusive opportunity to own these 21 daily meditations and enroll in the Heart Centered Meditation Course is available for a limited time. Click on the following like to learn more:

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Gabriel Gonsalves is a spiritual teacher, leadership consultant, musician, and coach. He's also an avid student of The Path of the Heart. Through individual coaching, courses, and seminars, helps people “get out of their heads and back into their hearts”, and awaken to their inner source of Divine love, wisdom, and power, so that they can follow their heart, re-align with their Higher Purpose, and transcend their current challenges. To learn more about Gabriel, please visit:


"Meditation Calm Warm Love Healing Spiritual" by Leran Wang / Pond5
Stock Media provided by powerofmusic / Pond5

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