DIVA CUP vs SAALT CUP - WHICH IS BETTER? Welcome to the GAME OF CUPS | Samantha Ravndahl

Описание к видео DIVA CUP vs SAALT CUP - WHICH IS BETTER? Welcome to the GAME OF CUPS | Samantha Ravndahl

The menstrual cup chronicles continue. This is my new favourite series.

Saalt Cup - Size Small: http://bit.ly/2QMs2Pr
Diva Cup - Size 0: http://bit.ly/2QJ35o9

DISCLAIMER: the above links are AFFILIATE links which means I make a small amount of $$ from your purchase

the trickle down effect

as in money trickles down from your purchase to me

also a good phrase regarding menstruation

this has gotten really disturbing very fast

we are gonna end that one here


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