RetroVersus 2K20 All Hyper Combos

Описание к видео RetroVersus 2K20 All Hyper Combos

RetroVersus 2K20, a MUGEN compiled by Ace Million. This is the free version of the game. If you want the full version - check out the game's facebook page.

The game features characters from Marvel, Capcom and SNK universes, as well as some Anime guests.

Link to the sequel's demo version -

Hypers from the upcoming sequel -    • RetroVersus 3 XL Demo All Hyper Combos  

The authors' channel -    / realacemillion  

Trailer -    • RetroVersus || Reveal Trailer || Retr...  

Facebook community page -   / retroversus2k20  

#mugen #mvc #svc


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