Plantae Presents - Sophien Kamoun and Phil Carella

Описание к видео Plantae Presents - Sophien Kamoun and Phil Carella

In this video, invited guests Sophien Kamoun and Phil Carella join our global plant science talk series to discuss their research.

Sophien Kamoun's talk is titled "Evolutionary dynamics of NLR immune receptors in plants" Dr. Kamoun is senior scientist at the Sainsbury Laboratory and professor of biology at the University of East Anglia. He grew up in Tunisia, studied at the Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris and then he obtained a PhD at the University of California, Davis. He moved to the Sainsbury Laboratory in Norwich, UK in 2007, where his lab studies the interactions between plants and filamentous pathogens, notably the Irish potato famine organism Phytophthora infestans and the rice and wheat blast fungus Magnaporthe (syn. Pyricularia) oryzae. In 2018, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) and he received the Linnean Medal for his outstanding contributions to plant science. He was an early plant science adopter of Twitter and you’re probably already following him, but just in case: @KamounLab

Phil Carella's talk is titled "Defining the evolutionary framework that underpins host-pathogen interactions in land plants" Dr. Carella completed his PhD at McMaster University (Canada) studying long-distance immune signalling in Dr. Robin K. Cameron’s lab. In 2016, he joined Dr. Sebastian Schornack’s group at the Sainsbury Laboratory (University of Cambridge, UK) as a post-doctoral research associate to study interactions between filamentous microbes and non-vascular early divergent land plants, establishing Marchantia as an insight comparative model for host-oomycete infection research. This past August (2020), Phil started as a group leader in the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology at the John Innes Centre (Norwich, UK). Here, he and his group will continue to explore the origin and evolutionary history of plant immunity in an effort to better understand how the diversity of land plants defend against pathogen infection. You can find him on Twitter @Phil_Carella

This webinar was Moderated by Yasin Dagdas. Dr. Dagdas is a Group Leader at the Gregor Mendel Institute, Vienna Biocenter. His group studies cellular quality control and selective autophagy. He did his PhD at University of Exeter as a Halpin Scholar in Nick Talbot’s Lab. After his PhD, prior to joining the GMI, he was a postdoctoral fellow in Sophien Kamoun’s Lab at The Sainsbury Laboratory. You can find Dr. Dagdas on Twitter @PlantoPhagy


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