Harmony Series Play-through - Modulation Bundle - Pogo Pedals (Federico Kajganić)

Описание к видео Harmony Series Play-through - Modulation Bundle - Pogo Pedals (Federico Kajganić)

Guitar player Federico Kajganić plays the 'Modulation Bundle' of the Harmony Series from Pogo Pedals.

The modulation bundle includes the following three pedals:
SBC-1 Compressor + Boost
VPS-1 Analog Phaser + Vibe
TRS-1 Vintage Trem

The Harmony Series is available now exclusively through Reverb.com
Check out the full line up here https://reverb.com/shop/pogo-pedals

When we set out to create the Harmony Series, we had very specific objectives in mind. The intention was to provide boutique sound by using all analog circuitry for the very experienced guitar player, with controls that were easy to dial in and work well with other effects for the beginner guitar player. Similar to our flagship overdrive Zen Ray, we sought out to create a complete and versatile line of effects that can be dialed in for any scenario. Combining that with the convenience of a small enclosure, our Harmony Series effects in no way sacrifice tone to compensate for real estate. After months of engineering and development, we are pleased to announce the release of six new guitar effects from Pogo Pedals. We exceeded our own expectations and created exactly what we strived to accomplish. A unique and tonefull line of boutique sounding pedals at an affordable price that truly works well for all guitar players.

Find more content from Federico here    / argbluesman  


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