Pepck-cmus (en) /sirt3 protein. mitochondria modification. Subliminal.

Описание к видео Pepck-cmus (en) /sirt3 protein. mitochondria modification. Subliminal.

This has 30 robotic voices, and one human voice. The goal with the robotic is to achieve static sound, regular pitched voices tend to give the sound a weird high pitched sound. I looped this 1296,000 times.
Modifications and mutations:

overexpression of sirt3 gene by a factor of 3, This 'detoxes' and reduces ROS effects in your mitochondria + high concentration of sirt3 proteins in mitochondria. Pepck-cmus enzyme concentrated (100x) in muscle tissue. It's somewhat complicated, but this basically increases mitochondria count in muscle cells. Use carefully.

An experiment with Pepck-cmus was done to rats, and the modified rat was superior to the regular rat. The Pepck-cmus enzyme made the rats muscle tissue more rich in mitochondria, if you add sirt3 proteins to that, you'll have power.

This contains 18 elaborate affirmations with scientific and biological basis to start producing these proteins and enzymes extremely quickly.

None of these statements have been analyzed by the FDA.


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