Arc Flash Labeling Strategies – Keeping it Simple!

Описание к видео Arc Flash Labeling Strategies – Keeping it Simple!

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In this webinar, by Jim Phillips, founder of and and also Vice-Chair of IEEE 1584 and International Chair of IEC TC78, you will see how to develop a simplified labeling strategy that makes labels easier to understand for the end user and also helps minimize the need to relabel. He has been advocating this method for years and has numerous published articles on the subject. Jim will begin with the history of arc flash labeling and early NEC requirements. He then takes you through the evolution of labels from simple – to complicated – and now back to simple again. Jim will cover the most current requirements from NEC, NFPA 70E 2018 and ANSI Z535 including the latest NFPA 70E exception where details may no longer be required on a label pending specific conditions.


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