What Do Judges Do? | UK Court | EZ Law

Описание к видео What Do Judges Do? | UK Court | EZ Law

What do judges do in court? The UK courtroom has lots of different roles involved in it during trials. At the head of it all is the judge. Judges rule over both civil and criminal trials, and they have a very important job.

In civil trials, judges simply listen to both sides of the case and then apply the law to the facts to try and come to a decision. Judges will also help the parties work together to come to a resolution between them.

In criminal trials, things are a bit different. In the UK, we have a jury in our criminal trials. This means the judge has to control the proceedings inside the court. Their job is very important to make sure the case remains fair and just. Judges can determine what evidence is and isn't admissible, as well as advising the jury on the points of law they need to know in order to return a guilty or not guilty verdict.

How to become a judge? Most judges are previous practicing barristers or, more recently, solicitors. Judges have a hugely important role in upholding the laws of the country.


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