World Razer Phaser Tank Build Review & Discussion

Описание к видео World Razer Phaser Tank Build Review & Discussion

In this video, I discuss my take on a tank build for the World Razer. This is a soild ship and can take alot of punishment. I discuss the overall build and why I made the choices I made. I also show an Elite Argala Patrol to show off it can deal damage but also absorb alot of punishment. If you like this or any of my content, please consider hitting that subscribe button and ringing the bell for future notifications of when I go live or drop more content. Thanks and enjoy!


0:00 - Intro
1:10 - The Build
12:30 - Skill Tree/Specializations
13:05 - Personal Space/Starship/Reputation Traits
18:55 - BOFF seating and abilities
20:35 - Duty Officers
22:50 - Prototype Ablative Jevonite Hardpoints & Tyler's Duality
24:20 - Ship Visual Tour
25:15 - Argala Proving Ground
29:20 - Final Thoughts
31:35 - Outro

Video Music

Build Review & Final Thoughts - Fluidscape by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



Proving Ground Music - 'Conspirator'
music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio


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