My Morning Jacket - Regularly Scheduled Programming

Описание к видео My Morning Jacket - Regularly Scheduled Programming

From My Morning Jacket’s new self-titled studio album out now. Stream/order on exclusive vinyl:

Directed by Jim James and George Mays
Produced by George Mays
Director of Photography - Kristoffer Carrillo

Edited and VFX by Mike Eaton

Production Designer – Paul Dove
Visual Programmer/Technical Director – Alexander Vicente
Location – XR Stage
Lighting Director – Sid Garcia

diamonds are growing in the garden.
raindrops are filling up the sea.
EXCUSE ME- you know i beg your pardon…
for this interruption.
now back to
regularly scheduled programming.

ahhh-HAAAA-had enough?

programming to drown out how we feel.
fresh fiction... rewriting how we think.
screen time addiction- replacing real life and love.
ERASING forgiveness…
bow down to your overlordS.

ahhh- haaaa- had enough?
had enough? had enough?

dishes are piling up in the sink.
blood veins are filled too thick to think…
with these prescription and over the counter drugs.
hugs and kisses…
you KNOW where i’m coming from?
one shot at redemption:
a mighty and sacred love!

ahhh- haaaa- had enough?
had enough? had enough?

#mymorningjacket #mmj #regularlyscheduledprogramming


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