Why Israel Matters | Pastor Lee Cummings

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One of the most mysterious and misunderstood subjects for the student of God’s Word has to do with is the significance of Israel. Watch this sermon from Pastor Lee as he shares how church should recognize and support Israel's significance in God's plan, pray for the fulfillment of God's promises to Israel, and remain faithful to their covenant with Him.

The faith of Christianity began in Israel 2,000 years ago and will ultimately culminate in Jerusalem with Jesus reigning as the king over all nations.

The Old Testament is filled with God's dealings with Israel, highlighting their significance as the chosen people for His redemptive purposes in the world.

The early church was primarily made up of Jewish followers of Jesus, emphasizing the Israel-centric origins of Christianity.

Jesus, who came as a Jew, will return as a Jewish man to reign and rule from Jerusalem over the Kingdom of Israel, highlighting the significance of Israel in God's plan.

Israel is not a secondary issue, but a prophetic issue for God's people and His redemptive plan.

God inserts himself into human history to redeem mankind and the nations back to himself.

The Hebrew word for covenant means "the cutting" and signifies a commitment sealed in blood, demonstrating an unbreakable and everlasting bond.

Israel's existence as a nation, after being destroyed and then born again, is a unique and prophetic signpost in world history.

In their darkest moment, Israel will look up and mourn for Jesus, who was pierced for them, and He will return to rescue and save them.

"We've been taught all wrong about Israel for about 1500 years."

Israel's full inclusion in the Covenant people of God in the future will have a profound impact, potentially bringing life from the dead.

The nation of Israel's restoration and acceptance of Jesus as the Messiah will be like a resurrection, bringing them back from the dead.

Replacement theology has fueled an evil demonic spirit that is prevalent in our world today.

The speaker expresses a longing for Jesus to return and establish his kingdom in Jerusalem, wiping out enemies and ruling alongside believers.


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