Remote LED Control With Raspberry Pi, Python gpiozero/pigpiod (MCP3002 ADC + Potentiometer + Button)

Описание к видео Remote LED Control With Raspberry Pi, Python gpiozero/pigpiod (MCP3002 ADC + Potentiometer + Button)

This tutorial demonstrates the basics of remote GPIO access, where I demonstrate how to control components attached to a Raspberry Pi from another Pi device across a LAN.

While there are 2 Raspberry Pi devices involved and the electronic components are installed across 2 breadboards, it all looks like a single system from the programmer's side (apart from very simple initial setup) and the programming is no different that standard GPIO approach when only one Raspberry Pi is involved. This method can be applied to an arbitrary number of Raspberry Pi devices - more than 2!

0:00 Intro
0:21 Basic Circuit - LED Switch (Just One Raspberry Pi)
0:53 Secondary (Remote) Raspberry Pi Setup
1:30 PiGPIO Library and Daemon
2:10 Remote Access Code Update
3:24 Updated Circuit - Digital LED Dimmer
4:24 LED Dimmer Code
6:01 Code Update - LED Dimmer and Switch Control
7:06 Final Code incl. PWM Compensation
7:43 Wrap -Up

Code download:

Line 27 of the finished code (light.source_delay = 0.02) sets the LED update interval to 20ms and not 2 ms. I indicated that in my narration incorrectly.

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Music: Wrong by Dan Henig, YouTube Music Library


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