Moving the cow (4) - she conks out red hot!!

Описание к видео Moving the cow (4) - she conks out red hot!!

Many vehicles of the marvellous Sydney Bus Museum collection are rarely seen and heard running.
The mass move-out and re-arrangement at Leichhardt depot - the new home of the SBM - of 9 June 2012 afforded me a rare chance to photograph and film vehicles otherwise only seen static previously.
Again we see Scott's valiant attempts to move this incredibly cantankerous old cow of a semi-trailer bus. Getting very hot, belching vile petrol fumes into the cab, the vile thing stopped dead at the end of this film at which point Scott shouts at it "f*ck you" and, to be honest, I don't blame him!
At this point water was added to the radiator, as it smelled rather warm, whereupon the entire cab and front end disappeared within a cloud of steam. It was then left to cool down for a good time, before it was successfully reversed into its most awkward new parking place. A totally evil bitch of a bus - a cow in every possible respect!!
Grateful thanks to friends at the Sydney Bus Museum who kindly allowed me to come along to photograph and film these rare gems from their wonderful collection being moved, some for the first time in many years. My aim is to raise awareness of this priceless collection and by so doing, to contribute to the future wellbeing and longevity of this uniquely large collection of mostly 'ex-pat' UK chassis that have made Australia their home.


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