Ed Rosenthal- Cannabis Pioneer: The Growing Revolution Episode 4

Описание к видео Ed Rosenthal- Cannabis Pioneer: The Growing Revolution Episode 4

In this episode, we interview Ed Rosenthal, The Guru of Ganja. He is one of the more prominent individuals who are responsible for promoting the decriminalization of cannabis. Also, he has been writing books on cannabis cultivation for years, as well as his longstanding, "Ask Ed" column in High Times Magazine. Among other accomplishments, Ed also helped to found the Marijuana and Hash Museum in Amsterdam.

A lot of millionaire cannabis companies owe their success, in large part, to the people like Ed Rosenthal, who helped to blaze the legal trail for cannabis to be used medicinally and recreationally. It was an honor to have Ed visit our Oklahoma City facility. For more information on Ed, you can check out edrosenthal.com

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