How to Live on Less and Save Money!

Описание к видео How to Live on Less and Save Money!

My best money-saving tips!
How I save money with a wish list video: WATCH ITTTT (please)
   • How to save money with a wish list - ...  
The envelop passing method for Christmas presents!
   • The envelope-passing, gift-giving met...  
How much I'm saving for my fully funded efund:
   • My Next Financial Goal & Baby Step 3 ...  

Questions answered:
Here are the questions answered in this TAG:
1. What are the most important frugal things you do everyday to save money?
2. What is your best strategy for saving on utilities?
3. What is your best tip to save on food and household products?
4. What is your best tip to save on clothes?
5. What is your best strategy to stay out of debt or to pay it down?
6. Please share one thing you do to save money that other people don't know.
7. How important is it for you to save money?

Thanks to Angela for tagging me in this video!
Her video here:
   • Видео  
Dollar Dude's video:
   • 7 Questions Answered! How to Save Cas...  
Anyone else who wants to pick it up, consider yourself tagged!

Thanks to My frugal life for starting the tag. Her video here:
   • TAG: Best Tips on How to Live on Less...  

Things I recommend:
Capitalone360 (for interest-bearing sinking funds!):

P.O. Box: Budget Girl P.O. Box 9722 College Station, TX 77842
Facebook:   / gobudgetgirl  
Instagram:   / gobudgetgirl  


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