Loaded Fries/Chicken Loaded Fries Recipe by The Balance Flavour

Описание к видео Loaded Fries/Chicken Loaded Fries Recipe by The Balance Flavour

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Oil 1 tbsp
Chicken 250 gram
Vinegar 2 tbsp
BBQ Masala 1 & 1/ 2 tbsp
Red Chili Flakes 1 tsp
Ketchup 1/4 cup
Mayonnaise 1/4 cup
Cheese as much as you want
Potatoes Fries as much as you want
Dried Oregano leaves

•In a bowl add chicken,vinegar, bbq masala and red chili flakes mix well and marinate it for an hour
•In a frying pan add oil heat it for a minute add garlic paste suate for a minute add chicken and cook well until all the water dry on medium to low flame
•For Mayochup sauce take a separate bowl add ketchup and mayonnaise mix them well (you can increase or decrease the quantity of ketchup or mayonnaise according to your taste)
•In a small baking pan add potatoes fries,mayochup sauce,cooked chicken and cheese (mozzarella or cheddar add one or both that’s totally upto you) Repeat the process and on top sprink some dried oregano leaves
•Preheat Oven at 180 C for 10 minutes and Bake it at 180 C for 10 to 12 minutes or until cheese melts

you can increase and decrease the quantity of ingredients


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