Devi mantra to get the blessings of Goddess Narayani Devi.

Описание к видео Devi mantra to get the blessings of Goddess Narayani Devi.

Devi Mantra Meaning And Its Benefits

Devi Mantra – This Mantra is also known as Parvathi Mantra or Durga Mantra. In this you will see the meaning of the Devi Mantra and the Power behind the Devi Mantra.

Sarva Mangala Mangalyein – This mantra is called Durga mantra or Parvathi mantra. Durga is another form of Parvathi.

“Sarva Mangala Maangalye Shive Sarvaartha Saadhike
Sharannye Triambake Gauri Naaraayanni Namostute”

Meaning for the Sloka :

Welcome to you O Narayani, Who is the positiveness in all the auspicious, one who is so auspicious herself and has all auspicious qualities,

The provider of protection, the one with 3 eyes and a beautiful face; We salute you, O Narayani.

Word to Word Meaning :

Sarva Mangala Mangalye – To auspiciousness of all auspiciousness

Shive -to the Good

Sarvarrtha Saadhike – to the accomplisher of all objectives

Sharanye – to the Source of Refuge

Tryambake – to the mother of the three worlds.

Gauri – to the Goddess who is Rays of Light

Naaraayani – Exposer of consciousness

Namostute – We bow to you again and again.

Benefits of Chanting Devi Mantra :

Chanting this Durga mantra or Devi mantra regularly, can give wisdom & strength combined with a prosperous life.

It is chanted almost during all celebrations, rituals & events.

Parvati Mantra or Devi mantra is most powerful marriage mantra. It helps overcome all your pre-marriage and post marriage problems.

This Devi Mantra is especially for ladies. Chant this mantra 28 times for 6 days and on 7th day invite a Kumari for lunch, offer new clothes, and ask her to apply sindoor on your forehead. This helps in strong mangalyam.

After bath light a ghee lamp, incense sticks and offers flowers to Devi and chant this mantra 108 times daily. By this you will find amazing results and good luck knocking you doors.

Chant this mantra regularly, to reap the ultimate benefits of this devi mantra.

Let us all chant this devi mantra and invoke the blessings of Goddess Narayani Devi.


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