Native American Flute Music and Rain LIVE - Deep Sleep, Anxiety Relief, Meditation, Relaxation

Описание к видео Native American Flute Music and Rain LIVE - Deep Sleep, Anxiety Relief, Meditation, Relaxation

Soothing sounds of the Native American flute combined with the calming sound of rain. This 24/7 video is perfect for sleeping, studying, reading, or just relaxing.
The Native American Flute sound has the ability to relax your mind by getting in the alpha state which is making your brain pulse at a lower rate than your normal mental and emotional fluctuations. This sound can transfer you to a calm and relaxing state enhancing your alpha waves after just listening to it for 10 minutes.

Stream our music on:
Apple Music:

Spotify Playlists:
Rain and Flute:
Flute Solo:

💿 Track information:
Title: The Legend of the Flute
Album: Call of the Ancestors

© Copyright:
Music composed by 24Relax
Footage by 24Relax


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