Many men (mama's boy)

Описание к видео Many men (mama's boy)

Many men (mama's boy) è una canzone realizzata per il convegno " FUORI TARGET in relazione all'intervento "La mira dell'ONU, vaghezza ed efficacia di un target a maglie larghe".

La canzone vede protagonista la voce di un adolescente coinvolto in territorio di guerra che critica l'ipocrisia e si sente responsabile per la sua famiglia e i suoi amici, "mama's boy till mama's dead"

Canzone realizzata da: Cristian Conte
Foto scattata da: Annachiara Ucciero

"ay, ay
gunshot heard from the outside
war broke out when I was a child
jungle place all around's wild
fire from far gonna broke my' (house)

We ain't never throwin' no white flag
streets can't hear my gang slang
gunshot heard from the outside
gunshot heard from the outside

mama's boy till mama's dead
lots of bodies on my back
soldier hits it is on me
where's your people's sympathy?
insta stories didn't hit on me
it's not your words who's feedin me
it's not that fun you know you shawty
Paulie and Frank upon my shoulder
got no cash, got no money
got my mama inside a folder
know it's late to get up
didn't you really just sit up
so damn easy to freak out
writin' this bars to let out
nobody hearin just chill out
till boy's outside just shoot up

sound of shot wanna hear it, you are gonna hear it
smell of blood wanna smell it, you are gonna smell it
many men wanna kill me, they are gonna kill me
many men wanna kill me, girl I feel like jesus (praise me)
many men wanna kill me man i've got to run from this place"

Campionatura del discorso all'ONU di Severn Suzuki, "make your actions on climate, reflect your world", 1992; Campionatura di Many Men - 50cent


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