Factory Friday: Sharks at the Pond

Описание к видео Factory Friday: Sharks at the Pond

This week's Factory Friday starts off with some footage from S&M/FIT's satellite spot in CO - where Pondfest will pop off next weekend. Luke and Nate Halahan drove in from Pittsburgh two weeks early to build a big boy line for all you Pond Sharks and Moeller's been rebuilding a 100 year old cabin he moved onsite to house the team when they show up next week.

And in a fortuitous turn of events, Chris' signature Maddog frames are finally in stock and the first batch of Halahan signature Rambler bars went off to paint. We made sure to make some moving pictures of everybody's favorite sticker sensei Rita for the fans and then saw Kole Voelker off in the van... he's driving to Denver for the Pusher Shop Stop and Denver Jam with Kareem, Hoder, Aryei and Coltin.

Make sure you move quick if you're after matching bars and forks for your Maddogs! If they are not on the site when you hit the links - they will be soon!


See you at the Pond!


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