A WISE WOMAN BUILDS HER HOUSE | How to be a Wise Woman | Together at the Well

Описание к видео A WISE WOMAN BUILDS HER HOUSE | How to be a Wise Woman | Together at the Well

What do we really know about the virtuous woman (the Proverbs 31 Woman) we hear so much about? In this video I share characteristics of a wise woman and address what may be negatively impacting my effectiveness as guardian or keeper of my home.

// K E Y V E R S ES
Proverbs 14:1 "A wise woman build her house, but a foolish one..."
Proverbs 31:10-31 "The virtuous woman"
Proverbs 19:13 & Prov. 21:19 “A quarrelsome wife"

// S U B S C R I B E H E R E
   / @togetheratthewell  
Practical Bible Teachings every Wednesday; Bonus content some Saturdays

// O T H E R V I D E O S Y O U M A Y L I K E
Check out the PLAYLIST for more of the GUARDIANS SERIES:
   • Biblical Design & Roles of Women ("GU...  

// C O N N E C T W I T H M E
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// T H A N K Y O U F O R V I S I T I N G #TogetherAtTheWell
"Together at the Well" is a conversation about the truth of the Gospel inspired by the encounter Jesus had with the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4).

The purpose of this channel is to share the word of God in a casual, relatable and applicable format. In addition to practical Bible teachings, I also share videos on Christian living like dating, church retreats and overall good advice.

// A B O U T M E
I am a College Professor from South Jersey. I have a Ph.D. from Temple University in Applied Linguistics. I love teaching and working for God's kingdom; one of my passions is giving conferences. For over 16 years, I have been a member of Iglesia Cristiana Fe, Esperanza y Amor (Pennsylvania), which is a part of the Assembly of Christian Churches. I am also a wife, mother and dog-lover.

G O D B L E S S Y O U !
Lissette Hernandez


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