Coventry Precinct

Описание к видео Coventry Precinct

A definitive collection of images of Coventry's famous shopping precinct. In addition to my own postcard scans and photos I have been privileged to have been given consent to use a number of other people's pictures in this production.
Many thanks to "Allhails" (A.H.) who gave me permission to use the stunning pictures he took as a schoolboy of the Precinct. In this video they follow the redevelopment proposals and have the month / year they were taken on them. The last one is a marvellous colour shot from April 1957 which shows a completed Upper Precinct with part of Smithford Street still standing where the Lower Precinct would soon be built. To see more click this link:

Following these pictures are a collection of postcard scans and photographs which take us all the way up to St. George's Day 2009. These include 3 classic shots taken in the 1960's by John Weir of a man wearing a sandwich board to advertise Benley's in the Lower Precinct. Many thanks to John for giving me permission to use these. I've also used a couple of pictures of the St. George's Day festivities this year taken by John's grandson, Antony Weir, so many thanks to him also for allowing me to use them. [Photography clearly runs in that family!]
John Weir's 1960's Coventry photographs are hosted by Antony in this flickr set:
Antony [generalzorn] has a diverse collection of his own photographs on flickr here:

Last but not least, my thanks to Rob Orland for allowing me access to his Coventry archive. On Rob's fabulous "Historic Coventry" website, Coventry's post-war redevelopment is covered here:


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