Isaac Pitre: The Mystery of Jesus as the Last Adam

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Isaac Pitre: The Mystery of Jesus as the Last Adam
Isaac speaks at Pathway of Life Church Dallas, Texas, on 9/5/2021.

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And Jesus says, "That's the mystery."
That's the mystery that I came to reveal."
I came to show you what a child of God looks like in flesh
And Jesus says, "You've never ever seen one of these."
You've never seen one of these.
You didn't even know how one of these got here
because see, these right here are produced more
than by eggs and sperms.
Every man you've been seen had an egg meet a sperm
that produced a natural body,
which produced a natural person,
which produced a natural man in the earth.
But, but no, no, no, no, no.
This isn't what you're looking at.
You looking at somebody who didn't come from
Mary's womb
I just used Mary's womb,
so that He could smuggle Me into the earth realm.
And I wasn't born from Joseph.
I was born from the breath of Almighty God.
And when Jesus walked around on the earth,
we are looking at the offspring of God in the earth realm.
And He says this!
Everybody shout this.
This is what I came to show you.
This is the revelation.
And Pastor Kelly, I got it. I got it.
I say, for all these years, I've been preaching about Him.
When He didn't want me preaching about Him.
He wanted me preaching Him because He is the sermon.
Didn't you hear what I said?
Oh, no, no, no!
He's what?
Came to be revealed.
He says, All you all talking about what I did
but none of you all talking about who I Am.
Only did what I did, because I am who I Am.
If I wasn't who I was, I couldn't do what I did.
It's what I Am, that makes me do what I did.
And so, everything, you see Me doing it,
I am doing it because I'm God's child.
And what the Father wanted to reveal to you,
it's the true identity of what a child
of God looks like in flesh and blood.
Now, why was this important?
Why was this identity hidden?
It was hidden because Jesus was a revelation
of a previous manifestation of something that God revealed
which was supposed to be all of our destination.
You know, that was so good
I don't even know what I said.
Just you all don't know.
Get the cd.
Why was He hidden?
Why, why was it not revealed?
Why now do we have to see it?
Because you have to understand,
when Jesus is now on the earth as the Son
of God, as He is on the earth,
He is the only one that is like that.
It's why they couldn't understand Him
because they trying to measure Him by humanity.
They couldn't get it.
They couldn't understand it because they said,
"We can't do that, but He can.
We can't say that, but He can."
What? What, what?
What is He? Who?
Who, who is He?
That's what tripped out the Pharisees and everything
They were like, ho?
Who He came from?
He came from Joseph and Mary, his kids.
Who is He to us?
But Nicodemus knew better. [John 3:2]
Nicodemus said, "Man," Nicodemus said,
"I had to get up out of bed and slip out in
my pajamas. And I had to come to Him by night,
sneak up to Him and say,
'Listen, we can't endorse your ministry
and can't nobody know I'm out here talking
to you. But what is it about you?
There's something about you.
Nobody can do what you do except God be with
Him.'" And then Jesus took Nicodemus to the deep
end of the pool. He took him out to shallow water
and brought him to the deep end of the pool.
And so, "Unless a man be born again,
you'll never understand this because Nick,
what you looking at is natural and carnal.
But I am spiritual."
And so, "Nicodemus, you got to have
a spiritual birth to understand who I am.
Because I am not just a man.
I am Spirit in a man.
And if you don't ever get out of that dimension,
you will never discern what I'm like."
And they couldn't get it.
They couldn't get it.
They couldn't get it.
But Jesus walked around, and it was hidden
from everybody They didn't know
Now, why was He hidden?
Because while Jesus was on the earth,
He was the only begotten Son of God. Yeah.
But then, Paul throws us a curve ball.
Because when you get over 1 Corinthians chapter
number 15, Paul calls Jesus the last Adam.
The last Adam.
And then, Paul goes on in the same verse and says,
"The second man Adam." [1 Corinthians 15:47]
Hmm. Wow.
So now, is he the only begotten Son [John 3:16]
or is he the second man Adam?
Or is he the last Adam
And I saw it.
I saw it, I saw it.
I saw that the fact that while Jesus was on
the earth. He was the only one.
But then it dawned on me, according to Paul,
He wasn't the first one.
So there had to be one before Him.
And so, you start looking back down through
the annals, "Well, who could be?
Who could be another son of God in the earth?"
And you got to go back.
You got to keep flipping.
You got to keep flipping back.


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