Canada and Cannabis: In the Wake of Legalization

Описание к видео Canada and Cannabis: In the Wake of Legalization

In the last Federal election (2015), Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada vowed to legalize recreational cannabis. This promise is soon to become reality as the Canadian government has proposed to move forward with legalization to July 2018. Along with a change in legislature comes sizeable public opposition from people who are afraid that legalizing cannabis will carry unintended consequences. This video demystifies unfounded conjecture surrounding the topic of cannabis legalization. It uses peer-reviewed evidence from jurisdictions that have either already legalized recreational cannabis use or have evaluated the use of cannabis and its associated outcomes. The video informs about the impacts, both positive and negative, of cannabis use in Canada’s new age of drug legalization.

This video was made by McMaster Demystifying Medicine students Raisa Ahmed, Peter Malik, Nandini Nandeesha and Zahra Najarali

Copyright McMaster University 2018


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