Art of Fighting 1 [Arcade] - Todo in 1P mode

Описание к видео Art of Fighting 1 [Arcade] - Todo in 1P mode

This is a play-through of 1-player mode using Todo in the Arcade version of Art Of Fighting 1. Read on below for more information...

Todo is the 1st enemy character in the 1-player Story Mode. He is a playable character, but he can only be used in 2-player versus matches.

===== HOW TO SELECT TODO =====

He is available on the character select screen whenever you're in 2-player versus mode.

===== TODO MOVES =====

---- Special Move ----
Kasane Ate: QCF + Punch

===== TODO GAMEPLAY =====

He is pretty basic, which is expected of a enemy character. His Kasane Ate special move is very good, as it covers a good vertical range meaning it can be used as an anti-air.


---- He does not have a Super nor a Desperation move.

---- When playing as him in a 1P game, his last opponent is Mr. Big. He does not fight Mr. Karate.

---- After the Bonus Games, if it shows the special move advice commands, you cannot see his "demonstrations" but can hear his sounds.

---- As this is the original version of the Arcade game, you need to avoid certain Bonus Games or/and avoid certain outcomes in the Bonus Games with him to progress. Otherwise it can halt or crash the game.

---- After the Bonus Games, the text box can be blank for certain outcomes, and when it shows the Ryo motorcycle scene, the text box is blank and the wrong text is shown at the bottom.

---- In the Bonus Game where you need to perform the Haou Shoukou Ken multiple times, he obviously cannot pass it as he doesn't have the move. The game can progress after you fail.

===== TRIVIA =====

---- The debut game of Ryuhaku Todoh.

---- His next appearance as a gameplay element is in KOF2000 as a Maniac Striker of Kasumi.

---- He appears in Capcom vs. SNK 2 as a playable character. His daughter appears in his gameplay intros and one of his winning poses.

---- He has made loads of cameo appearances in various SNK games (mostly fighting ones of course).

---- There is a running joke which consists of not making him a playable character anymore for future games and limiting him to just cameo appearances.

---- He used to share his cameo appearances with Eiji Kisagari.


The version of Art of Fighting 1 seen in this video is the original version. As it is the original version, it means that glitches, halts, freezes and crashes can potentially happen when playing as enemy and boss characters in a 1-player game. These problems occur because of the Bonus Games, and there are ways to get round this within the game as you long as you know how. Also, you don't get to fight Mr. Karate when playing as the enemy characters.

===== ABOUT AOF1 =====

The game features impressively large 2D sprites for it's time. The AOF series, with it's usage of graphical zooming, music style, sound effects and voices, has always gave you that intense and stylish atmospheric feel in fights.

===== CHAPTERS =====

00:00 - Intro, Title, Character Select
00:44 - vs. Todo
01:48 - vs. Jack
03:37 - Bonus Stage 1
04:12 - vs. Lee
05:47 - vs. King
07:27 - Bonus Stage 2
08:03 - vs. Micky
10:07 - vs. John
11:41 - Bonus Stage 3
12:37 - vs. Mr. Big (sub-boss)
15:40 - Ending
16:00 - Staff/Credits


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