Gran Turismo 2: East City (Remix)

Описание к видео Gran Turismo 2: East City (Remix)

For a few months I couldn't figure out what style to arrange for East City, after many revisions, I decided to combine them all together, tying them to each dealership. (Requested Cover)

Still got a few covers to work on, so requests are on hold, for now.

This arrangement was made possible by the xan1242/gtseq2midi tool ( transcribing takes ages, so many thanks again).

Game: Gran Turismo 2
Song: East City [From the East] (Album Version)
Genre: Funk/Jazz?

Disclaimer: This is a cover/mix all rights belong to the original artists, along with SONY, and Polyphonic Digital.


Checkout my soundcloud here for even more songs from various games:   / drninja121  


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