Danmakufu: Spell Card Collection (Part 3 of 3; Extra Spells) - By Shijimi Nono

Описание к видео Danmakufu: Spell Card Collection (Part 3 of 3; Extra Spells) - By Shijimi Nono

These spellcards were a real challenge for me. But no words can describe my victory over them. Here you have all spellcards + explanations. Enjoy ^^

Spellcards explanation:
1st Spellcard - "Trick Number" (0:00)
It's more logic than bullet hell. Survival card. The biggest thing to do here is to guess what's going on there. Tewi spawns ten circles and a "laser". They indicate numbers, where circle with a laser pointed on it is zero, and further are one, two... - with a clockwise rule. She is generating a random number (shown as a life points) every wave and 1-4 sounds or sth like that. Your task is to read the number and stay on the proper circle (e.g.: number 9876, 3 sounds. You should stay on circle "8"). After some waves she adds a second bunch of circles. After another bunch of waves she switches lasers' colours, making it a bit confusing. It's the easiest spell here.

2nd Spellcard - "Seven-coloured Great Bunraku" (1:26)
Featuring Alice of course. She spawns seven circles. Every some time she activates 3-5 (depends on her HP) of them. Every circle/colour has different effect (watch video for these effects). Just don't make yourself trapped and you'll be fine.

3rd Spellcard - "Salvation of the Twelve General Gods" (2:17)
Again we have some circles. Ran spawns 12 circles in 6 colours - two for one colour. Obviously every colour has a different effect. Here we have to destroy every one piece. Then Ran becomes visible (with about 2500 HP) and uses her ultimate attack. Just try not to die :P

4th Spellcard - "Angelic Elements" (4:17)
Elements, crystals... There we have six elements: water/ice, fire, wood, earth, metal and moon [Thx to Ori for their names]
There are three phases: with one, two and three elements at once. At phase one (14 to 11 HP) Patchouli spawns one of the first four mentioned elements. At phase two (10 to 7 HP) she spawns two elements. First element is wood or fire, and second is water/ice or metal. At the last phase she spawns three elements. Two of them spawns like in previous phase. The third element is earth or moon. Surviving isn't easy (TOO DAMN HARD!) but possible, what I just proved.

5th Spellcard - "Time Leap" (6:06)
Sakuya is having fun with us this time. She doesn't just throw knives in your face. If she miss, she always can leap through the time and hit you while time "turns back".
Just try not to be on knives' path when the time leaps. Otherwise you can got hit by knife.

6th Spellcard - "Lost Phantasm" (6:59)
It's just like Yukari's Arcanum. Just try some times this spellcard, memorize patterns and pass through it! But I must say that this survival card was pretty interesting xd

7th Spellcard - "Paradox of Phenomenal Judgement" (8:28)
Koishi is messing with our mind again. This time we have to make some sort of "judgement". Spellcard has two parts:
- First consists of 5 waves. At each wave she spawns 8 breakable circles, each in another colour. Colours change every some short amount of time. It's as shorter as there are less circles. To break'em - just shoot'em. But as you break, something happens what depends on actual circle's colour. In gameplay you can see all the effects. In waves 4 and 5 Koishi adds additional circles that makes colours negative. It actually makes it much harder to judge.
- On the second part she just throws hearts as shown in a video.
Overally: really confusing spellcard..

8th Spellcard - "Exteinnsion" (a.k.a. "Apocalypse") (11:43)
It's probably the most chaotic spellcard I've ever seen. Fortunately I cleared it! I'm really proud of myself. Seriously.
The spell consists of 4 phases:
- In first phase she begins with explosives that fill the screen. Then randomly uses one of four attacks: Laser beam x2, Aimed explotions, Explosives that blow in four directions and Moving lasers (you should shoot them ASAP or you'll die), while spawning some small bullets. Sometimes she launches missiles that are flying around her.
- Second phase starts at ~17.000HP. You have to avoid three waves of laser beams while dodging some explosives. After that she throws another bunch of explosives and spawns six circles around her - 3 blue, 3 red. When activated, they throw tri-armed flame. Red's flame is moving clockwise, blue's - counterwise. During that Flandre uses one of three random attacks: Bombs inside circle, Bombs outside circle and Aimed lasers.
- Third phase starts at ~12.000-11.000 HP. There Flandre spawns another six circles that throw lasers, surrounding her and trapping you in the middle until you destroy them. Also she spawns missiles. They launches with a delay but can be deadly. During that phase she uses one of four attacks: Aimed explosives (this time explosion is much delayed), Blue explosives surrounding her, Two waves of missiles moving in spiral and Moving lasers.
- Last phase is static (~7.000HP). Just do like I did in a gameplay.

If you'd like to try this spellcard, heheheh... Good luck ;)


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