北科大工業設計研究所實驗室 | 人機互動HCI、虛擬實境VR、混合實境MR、使用者經驗UX | 梁又文老師

Описание к видео 北科大工業設計研究所實驗室 | 人機互動HCI、虛擬實境VR、混合實境MR、使用者經驗UX | 梁又文老師

國立臺北科技大學工業設計系 | 混合實境MR、虛擬實境VR、使用者經驗UX、創新產品原型開發研究
Lab: https://sites.google.com/view/liangyo...
Team: https://sites.google.com/view/liangyo...
Project: https://sites.google.com/view/liangyo...
Research: https://sites.google.com/view/liangyo...
Design Activities: https://sites.google.com/view/liangyo...
關於實驗室研究方向:    • 北科大工業設計研究所梁又文老師實驗室在做什麼研究方向 | 混合實境MR、虛...  
創新產品與混合實境設計實驗室2年整理完成 | 國立臺北科技大學工業設計研究所梁又文老師實驗室 | VR與MR內容製作與互動設計、使用者經驗UX、創新產品設計原型開發、數位製造

本實驗室為 創新產品與混合實境設計實驗室 (Innovative Products and Mixed Reality Lab, IPD Lab),實驗室主持人為:梁又文 (Liang, Yo-Wen) 老師 | 設計總監 | 教授。
實驗室的發展方向為混合實境 (虛擬實境 VR 結合擴增實境 AR 和互動介面 UI )、虛擬內容設計、使用者經驗研究、創新產品設計、文創商品設計、以及自媒體經營等領域,每年致力於設計與跨領域研究發表、研究計畫執行、和產學計畫執行,並參與相關國際研究與設計活動,長期在日本、韓國、泰國、澳洲、紐西蘭、以及歐美等地,都有專業演講和國際設計工作營的豐富經驗。實驗室成員也將研究成果落於設計實務,進行設計競賽活動的發表與實務案件的接案執行,降低學用落差與研究過於偏離現實的問題。

Hello! Here is the Innovative Products and Mixed Reality Lab. The principal investigator of the Lab is Liang, Yo-Wen.
The development direction of the Lab is Mixed Reality (virtual reality combined with augmented reality and interactive interface), virtual design of digital content, user experience research, innovative product design, cultural and creative product design, and self-media management et al. We are dedicated to doing design and cross-domain research publication, research project execution, and industry-school project execution, and participate in related international research and design activities for a long time, such as in Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and the United States, etc., therefore, extensive experience in professional lectures and international design work camps. The members of the Lab also put the research results into the design practice and publish design competition activities and the execution of practical cases, reducing the gap in learning and the problems that the research is too far from users and industry needs.
The laboratory has long focused on the design and research of innovative products and mixed reality. It is hoped that through the integration of virtual and real and the core concepts of user experience, the application of research methods to in-depth exploration of design issues and pain points in user experience, and to discuss physical product design and virtual The integration of various possibilities and innovative concepts of end-of-the-line service design, and then implement innovative concepts through design methods and hardware and software technologies, and finally achieve the design of various design services and experiences that meet and satisfy users in the future life.

國立臺北科技大學 - 創新產品與混合實境設計實驗室 | Innovative Products and Mixed Reality Design Lab: https://sites.google.com/view/liangyo...
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#光固化 #3D列印機 #VR #MR #互動設計 #數位製造


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