Trails in the Sky [JRPGs Told Long]

Описание к видео Trails in the Sky [JRPGs Told Long]

Once again its time to use this little video series of mine to force myself to play a popular series that I never got around to trying before. Will I be kicking myself for waiting so long to play this masterpiece, or will I have been justified in my snubbing. Here's a hint, I wouldn't have made this video if I hated the game.

.hackG.U - Field Evening
   • .hack//G.U GAME MUSIC OST - Field: Ev...  
FFV - Hurry Hurry
   • [Video Soundtrack] Hurry! Hurry! [FIN...  
13 Sentinels - (Valine)
   • (VALINE) - 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Or...  
Great Ace Attorney - Investigation
   • 25 | Investigation (Dai Gyakuten Saib...  
FE Echoes - A blade on the Wind
   • Видео  
AItSF Nirvana Initiative - Nightmare Irreconcilable
   • Nightmare Irreconcilable  
AJ - Investigation ~ Core
   • Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney: Soundtr...  
AJ - We won the Case
   • Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney: Soundtr...  
BD - Victories Delight
   • Bravely Default: Flying Fairy (Revo) ...  
Xenosaga III - Crisis Coming
   • Xenosaga Ep. III OSBT 2:11 - Crisis C...  
Danganronpa - Hope vs Despair
   • DANGANRONPA OST: -2-12- Discussion -H...  
Dark Cloud 2 - Underground Water Channel
   • Dark Cloud 2 - 13 - Underground Water...  
EO V - Dark Twins of the Feast
   • Dark Twins Of The Feast - Etrian Odys...  
DQ IX - Imperial Palace
   • Dragon Quest XI [Symphonic] - Imperia...  
FE Engage - Enjoy the Evening
   • Видео  
FE Engage - Friendly Chat
   • Видео  
Eternal Sonata - From Strength to Kindness
   • From Strength To Kindness  Eternal So...  
Etrian Odyssey IV - With Eyes Blazing
   • Etrian Odyssey IV - Music: Battlefiel...  
Paper Mario TTYD - Rawk Hawk
   • Event Battle - Rawk Hawk - Paper Mari...  
FFT A2 - Gathering Allies
   • Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire Of...  
FE9 - Power hungry Fool
   • Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance -- Powe...  
FE9 - Victory is Near
   • Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance -- Vict...  
Fragile Dreams - Goodbye
   • Fragile Dreams OST 1-13 Goodbye  
Hotel Dusk 215 - Slow Steps
   • [Hotel Dusk: Room 215] 20 -- Slow Steps  
Trauma Center - Code Blue
   • (6) Code Blue - Trauma Center Second ...  
Suikoden V - Shadow of Doubt
   • Suikoden V - Shadow of Doubt  
Grandia II - Out for (of?) Lunch
   • Grandia II OST - cd1(deus) - 20 - Out...  
BD 2 - Halcyonia Map
   • Halcyonia World Map | Bravely Default...  
Kuro no Kiseki - Intelligent Analysis
   • Kuro no Kiseki OST - Intelligent Anal...  
Langrisser Remakes - Clashing Blades
   • Langrisser I & II Remake OST - (Langr...  
Lunar Silver Star - Meribia
   • Lunar Silver Star Harmony OST - Free ...  
P3R - Mass Destruction
   • Mass Destruction -Reload-  
   • Meeeeaaaat! Processing Plant - Digita...  
Mana Khemia 2 - Midsummer Classroom
   • Midsummer Classroom - Mana Khemia 2 [...  
Natural Doctrine - Battle Theme
   • Natural Doctrine - Track 19  
Persona Q2 - Nothing is Promised
   • Nothing is Promised - Persona Q2 New ...  
Okage - Madril
   • Okage Shadow King OST: Theme of Madril  
Persona 1 - Overcoming Sadness
   • Overcoming Sadness - Persona 1 (PSP)  
Pokemon - Route 1
   • Pokémon Anime BGM - Route 1 ~The Road...  
Radiant Historia - To the Future that awaits ahead
   • Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology ...  
Radiata Stories - Men's Dirge
   • Radiata Stories: OST - Men's Dirge (HD)  
Radiata Stories - Perpetual Unsteadiness
   • Radiata Stories: OST - Perpetual Unst...  
Labyrinth of Galleria - Reminiscence
   • Reminiscence - Labyrinth of Galleria:...  
DDS2 - Road to Sodom
   • Road to Sodom - Second Movement - Dig...  
Persona - Satomi Tadashi
   • Satomi Tadashi Pharmacy Song - Megami...  
Last Window - The Long Night
   • Last Window The Secret Of Cape West -...  
ToCS III - Temporary Speculation
   • Sen no Kiseki III OST (First Volume) ...  
ToCS - New Companions
   • Sen no Kiseki OST - New Companions  
ToCS - Vigilant Fighting Spirit
   • Sen no Kiseki OST - Vigilant Fighting...  
SO2 - Shower of Blossoms
   • Shower of blossoms (SO2R Ver.)  
Trails SC - Crushed and Scarred
   • Sora no Kiseki SC OST - Crushed and S...  
SO3 - Imperial garden
   • Star Ocean 3 OST - Imperial Garden  
Stella Glow - Friends
   • Stella Glow Soundtrack - Friends  
Tactics Ogre - Theme of WLO
   • Tactic Ogre Reborn - Theme of WLO  
ToV - Exposed Plot
   • Tales of Vesperia OST- Exposed Plot  
ToX - Merchant Town
   • Tales of Xillia OST - A Merchant Town...  
P2IS - Tension
   • Persona 2 Innocent Sin (PSP) OST - Te...  
SO2 - Colosseum
   • The Colosseum  
Ghost Trick - Incarcerated
   • The Incarcerated (Arranged) - Ghost T...  
Mother 3 - Sunset Forest
   • To Sunshine Forest - MOTHER 3 OST  
VC4 - Science Marches On
   • Valkyria Chronicle 4 Soundtrack - 31....  
VC - Hope for Tomorrow
   • Valkyria Chronicles OST 08 Hope for T...  
WA3 - Schrodinger
   • Wild Arms 3 - There's Only One Family...  
Xenogears - Invasion
   • Xenogears - Invasion  

0:00 Rolent
26:05 Bose
1:00:14 Ruan
1:36:11 Zeiss
2:13:17 Grancell


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