EDF 6 DLC 2-16 Easy Weapons Farming and another Missiles Cheese run Ranger Inferno

Описание к видео EDF 6 DLC 2-16 Easy Weapons Farming and another Missiles Cheese run Ranger Inferno

This is a similar situation to mission 88 of the campaign, even on the same map. The difference is the nastiness of the Nakers. And that 7 pink high-grade Nakers provide a really good loot, as otherwise, the mission would be insipid for farming.

The old "safe" place from mission 88 does not work with the Nakers from this mission. These guys are nasty and will hit you from a long distance, and the damage is devastating. But there are others nearby from your start position that thankfully work, a group of tall buildings to your left.

I did find the building I stayed on the best for its purpose. Few chances to aggro Nakers at the wrong time and a good line of sight for every group of them once you clear the view.

Climbing the building is awkward but gets easier, just train it. Enter the balcony, then approach it and Ranger will climb it alone. Then turn to the building, walk back, immediately jump, then go forward and it should grab the upper balcony. Sometimes it won't work and you'll fall, either to the previous balcony or to the ground, retry. The most difficult step is the last when the character needs to climb to the roof and it's more finicky. Once on the roof proceed to the grassy area to the right and stay in the middle. That position is NOT foolproof and you can still be hit, thankfully it's seldom.

The weapons I used were the level 75 MLRA-TF, the 81 Grant MTX, the 88 FZ-GUN LE and 66 Probe Type 5. MLRA-TF is essential because you can hit enemies without destroying structures, particularly the one you're on. Grant MTX or any other rocket is good to clear the view and piss off other groups of enemies that are far. FZ-GUN LE is overall the best turret, the DLC 2 ZE Blaster is slightly better at damage but takes forever to reload, so it's not a good option. Pink Nakers are also prone to stay near the building and FZ-GUN does a good job on them, and they are the nasty ones anyway. None of the enhancements is interesting here, so at least the Probe helps with crate collection.
No DLC weapons were used.

Pink Nakers have a ton of armor and take a long time to die. The turrets hitting them is sometimes a luck-based event too. So 20 minutes or more is hat you can expect this to last. It would take forever if you were only using the missiles.
This can be done online solo with the same loadout, but 60 to 90 minutes is what you should expect this to last.

Take care in handling the last few Nakers. Your loadout is dangerous for close combat, and it's crappy to kill yourself or die after 20 minutes of what will be unsuccessful farming.

It's remarkably easy for Ranger here, Air Raider can do a similar job but takes a lot longer, and WD is not efficient here.

Have fun,

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