Stationary Lunge

Описание к видео Stationary Lunge

Video Transcription
Welcome back to Foundations YouTube Channel my name is Christian Compean I’m a physical therapist fellowship trained in manual orthopedics. Today we’re going to go over some eccentric strengthening of the quads in a stationary lunge. We did a previous exercise video on something we call quad busters. Its strengthening of the quad but its more of an isometric strengthening stance. This is a progression for that right. It’s really great for runners especially when your foot hits the ground and you’re running your knee slowly bends to lower you towards the ground and absorb some of the shock before you explode up. This will definitely help with that. So what you’re going to do is very simple. You get into a lunge stance right so that when you go to the bottom this knee straight under you this forward leg would be at 90 degrees and the backwards knee would be at 90 degrees. And then here is where it’s good to kind of get your arms into running form. If this leg would be going forward this arm would be going up. Now what I want to do is work on slowly, or doesn’t necessarily have to be slow but it has to be with control lowering myself down and coming back up. Down and back up. And I like for the down phase to be a little bit slower then the up phase so maybe it should be 1 2 explode up. 1 2 explode up. 1 2 explode up. 1 2 explode up. So thats a stationary lunge and what you’re working on is on the eccentric phase for the quad. You could even slow it down and go slow 2 3 4 5 gently touch the floor and then up. Slow 2 3 4 5 come up. Slow 2 3 4 5 and come up. Again really focusing on the eccentric phase. Once you got real proficient at that you could set a timer and then really just go multiple repetitions of going a little bit faster and then switching sides. Its a great way to incorporate eccentrics into your running training program or just to strengthen your quads in general. So if this was helpful to you please give it a thumbs up. If you know somebody else that may benefit from this please share it with them and if you want to take advantage of any of our other videos please subscribe. We remind you that movement is a gift and we hope you enjoy it.


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