Mbuti Pygmies Song after collecting honey & hunting song

Описание к видео Mbuti Pygmies Song after collecting honey & hunting song

From the album Pygmées du Haut-Zaire, Fonti Musicali.

The Mbuti population lives in the Ituri Forest, a tropical rainforest covering about 70,000 km2 of the north/northeast portion of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Bambuti are pygmy hunter-gatherers, and are one of the oldest indigenous people of the Congo region of Africa. The Bambuti are composed of bands which are relatively small in size, ranging from 15 to 60 people. The Bambuti population totals about 30,000 to 40,000 people. Pygmy music is almost everywhere characterized by complex vocal harmonies.

The first song (recorded August 1988) is to thank the ancestors for having found the hives after collecting honey successfully.

The second piece (recorded November 1987) is a hunting song accompanied by the domu harp and the likembe.


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