Dark Side of High Vibrational Spiritual People or Spiritual Influencers vs Energy Vampires by Kappen

Описание к видео Dark Side of High Vibrational Spiritual People or Spiritual Influencers vs Energy Vampires by Kappen

Dark Side of High Vibrational Spiritual People or Spiritual Influencers vs Energy Vampires by Guru Geo Kappen

In this video Guru Geo Kappen talks very deeply about various aspects related to new age spiritual awakening especially each subtle characteristics of high vibrational powerful spiritual individuals and why should not mess up with them. Kappen explains the signs or traits of high vibrational spiritual people whom he calls spiritual influencers or spiritual energy boosters in contraction with energy vampires or spiritual energy drainers and what happens when they face each other and how it ends up. According to Kappen the competition must be within and should not be with other humans. It will result in massive high level spiritual transformation as well as higher levels of spiritual ascension. Other points or questions addressed in this spiritual talk by Guru includes: Dark side of high vibrational spiritual beings, Spiritual energy drain, Energy vampires, Powerful spiritual gifts or abilities, Spiritual influencers or spiritual energy boosters, Dark side of high vibrational people, Is curse real?, How curse works?, How spiritually powerful people overcome energy vampires, Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi, Aham Brahmasmi I am God, All is God, Advaita philosophy, Hermetic law of correspondence: As above so below, Real spiritual masters, Ascended masters, Real Guru, Shadow worrk by Guru in Psycho-spirituality, Elimination of ego, Powerful souls, Astral level, Karana or Causal plane, Nirvikalpa Samadhi, Avatars, Messengers of God, Spiritual authenticity, Ultimate spiritual growth, Spiritual world and Spiritual beings, Rebirth or Reincarnation etc...

DISCLAIMER: This video is not a substitute for professional advice as it contains personal views, spiritual beliefs and subjective experiences. Use your critical thinking ability and talk to your Psychologist or Life Coach to distinguish facts.


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