【人物】第40期:Dr. Hao Wang 汪浩博士|Candidate for Cambridge City Council Interview 剑桥市议员候选人汪浩博士畅谈剑桥宜居城市愿景

Описание к видео 【人物】第40期:Dr. Hao Wang 汪浩博士|Candidate for Cambridge City Council Interview 剑桥市议员候选人汪浩博士畅谈剑桥宜居城市愿景

Dr. Hao Wang is the former Deputy Commissioner of the New York State Office of Mental Health, the nation’s largest mental health system, and the former Chief Information Officer for the State University of New York, the country’s largest comprehensive higher education system. He has been a resident of Cambridge for decades and a homeowner in Cambridge for more than 25 years. His central priorities are clean energy, inclusion & belonging, public health, business-friendliness, and smart city.

汪浩博士曾任美国最大的心理健康系统纽约州精神卫生办公室副专员,以及美国最大的综合性高等教育系统纽约州立大学的前首席信息官。 他已在剑桥居住数十年,并在剑桥拥有住房25 多年。 他的核心优先事项是清洁能源、包容性和归属感、公共卫生、商业友好型和智慧城市。

Hao has successfully led and managed private, public, and not-for-profit organizations. He is an expert on leadership, operations management, environmental sustainability and governance (ESG), diversity equity and inclusion (DEI), public health, and smart city. Beginning his career in Massachusetts, Dr. Wang created one of the nation’s first health information exchanges in central Massachusetts.、

汪浩博士曾成功领导和管理私营、公共和非营利组织。 他是领导力、运营管理、环境可持续性和治理 (ESG)、多元化公平和包容性 (DEI)、公共卫生和智慧城市方面的专家。 汪博士在马萨诸塞州开始了他的职业生涯,在马萨诸塞州中部创建了全国最早的健康信息交换中心之一。

Originally from China, Dr. Wang received a bachelor’s and master’s degree in physics from Peking University. After arrival at Cambridge, Dr. Wang received his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a master’s in public administration from Harvard University. A scientist and engineer by training, Hao is a bilingual poet who writes in Chinese and English. He has published Boya Essay Collection (Peking University Press) and Boya Poetry (Oriental Publishing House). His poetry collections include One Peck, One Sound (Writer’s Publishing House), and Echo of the Tesseract (Writer’s Publishing House).

汪浩博士来自中国,获得北京大学物理学学士和硕士学位。 抵达剑桥后,汪博士获得了麻省理工学院的博士学位和哈佛大学公共管理硕士学位。 作为一名工程师出身,汪博士是一位用中文和英文写作的双语诗人。 出版有《博雅漫记》(北京大学出版社)、《博雅诗笺》(东方出版社)。 诗集有《一啄一声响》(作家出版社)、《迷宫的回声》(作家出版社)。

Hao is a board member for our local Riverside Community Care, a leading provider of behavioral health and human services in areas including Somerville and Cambridge. His professional experience also includes the managing director of Accenture, the world’s largest management and technology consulting firm. He has helped several global 500 companies and mega cities transform their business and technology. He wants to help Cambridge achieve its objectives and goals.

汪博士还是剑桥地区行业领先的行为健康和公民服务的领先非盈利组织 Riverside Community Care 的董事会成员。他的专业经验还包括担任全球最大的管理和技术咨询公司埃森哲的董事总经理。 他帮助过多家全球 500 强企业和全球超大城市实现业务和技术转型。 他希望帮助剑桥实现其目的和目标。

汪浩博士的竞选网站链接: https://https://haoforcambridge.com/

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