Class 7 English Chapter 2 - And in wonder and Amazement I Sing - Poem explained in Malayalam

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Class 7 English Chapter 2 - And in wonder and Amazement I Sing - Poem explained in Malayalam #scert_assam

Line-by-Line Meaning in Simple English:

"The sky is full of the sun and the stars": The sky is filled with both the sun during the day and the stars at night.
"The universe is full of life": The entire universe is teeming with various forms of life.
"Among all these I have found a place": Despite the vastness of the universe, the speaker has found their own special place within it.
"And in wonder and amazement I sing": The speaker is filled with wonder and amazement, expressing their joy through singing.
"The world is swayed": The world is influenced or moved by powerful forces.
"By eternity's rushing tide": The world is affected by the constant flow of time and eternity.
"Rising and falling": The world experiences cycles of growth and decline.
"I have felt its tug in my blood": The speaker feels the influence or connection of these forces within themselves.
"Racing through my veins": The sensation of these forces moving swiftly through the speaker's body.
"And in wonder and amazement I sing": The speaker continues to express their awe and joy through singing.
"While walking in the woodlands": During a walk through the woods.
"With my feet I have touched the blades of grass": The speaker feels the grass beneath their feet.
"I have been startled by the flowers' fragrance": The pleasant smell of flowers has surprised the speaker.
"They have all maddened my mind": The beauty of nature has overwhelmed and excited the speaker.
"The gifts of gladness and joy": Nature provides happiness and joy.
"Are strewn all around": Happiness and joy can be found everywhere in nature.
"And in wonder and amazement I sing": The speaker continues to express their wonder and joy through singing.
"I have pricked my ears": The speaker has listened carefully.
"I have opened my eyes": The speaker has paid close attention and observed.
"I have bared my heart to the world": The speaker has opened their heart and emotions to the world.
"In the midst of the known": Even amidst what is familiar or understood.
"I have sought the unknown": The speaker has searched for new experiences or knowledge.
"And in wonder and amazement I sing": The speaker concludes by expressing their ongoing sense of wonder and joy through singing.
Word Meanings:

"Swayed": Moved or influenced.
"Eternity's": Referring to endless time or existence.
"Tug": Pull or force.
"Racing": Moving swiftly.
"Woodlands": Forested areas.
"Strewn": Scattered or spread.
"Pricked": Pierced or poked.
"Bared": Revealed or exposed.
"Midst": Middle or center.

Poem Meaning:
The poem celebrates the beauty and wonder of nature, highlighting the speaker's deep connection to the world around them. Despite the vastness of the universe and the powerful forces at play, the speaker finds joy and amazement in the simple pleasures of nature. They are moved by the sights, sounds, and scents of the natural world, expressing their gratitude and wonder through singing. The poem also suggests a sense of exploration and curiosity as the speaker seeks to understand and experience more of the world, embracing both the known and the unknown with open arms and a joyful heart.


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