Come Follow Me | Alma 36-39

Описание к видео Come Follow Me | Alma 36-39

Dru and Marianna discuss Alma 36-39. The humble believers of the Zoramites are cast out of their homes. These converted people are welcomed in by the people in Jershon. The Zoramites are angry that they were allowed to join the Nephites and they decide to prepare for war. Alma has been preaching to his wayward people and he is grieved because of their iniquity. Alma calls his sons to him and counsels them and gives them blessings. In talking to his eldest son, Helaman, he retells his conversion story. This is a spiritual retelling. Helaman is entrusted with the records and taught how important these records are. The Book of Mormon converts people to the restored gospel. His simple task touched so many people in these latter days. Shiblon was a very righteous son, but he was warned by his father to still be careful in order to stay on the righteous path. This is advice that each of us should listen to.


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