83. Sanctum -- Revolutionizing Fitness with a Nomadic, Multi-Sensory Experience

Описание к видео 83. Sanctum -- Revolutionizing Fitness with a Nomadic, Multi-Sensory Experience

Emerging as a paradigm shifter in the $976 billion global fitness market is Sanctum, a mind/body fitness phenomenon that defines itself as a nomadic global community and a happening of radical self-care & joyful healing. Join us as Luuk Melisse and Gabriel Olszewski unveil their revolutionary approach to wellness, combining movement, music, and meditation in a powerful communal experience happening in iconic global locations. Tune in to hear lessons from these two wellness entrepreneurs who are expanding the boundaries of personal well-being. Find out lessons learned from starting a business in an empty fitness studio during a global pandemic to being welcomed today on a world stage.

To learn more, visit Sanctum’s site at https://www.wearesanctum.com

Connect with Luuk on LinkedIn:   / luuk-melisse-5497bb17a  
Connect with Gabriel on LinkedIn:   / gabriel-olszewski-46112871  
Follow Sanctum on Instagram:   / wearesanctum  

Hosted by Kim Marshall: https://swelltheagency.com/

Produced by NOVA Media: https://novamedia.fm/


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