Judeo-Persian history: Qırmızı Qəsəbə Azerbaijan

Описание к видео Judeo-Persian history: Qırmızı Qəsəbə Azerbaijan

View of Qırmızı Qəsəbə (Jewish town ) of mountain Jews North of Qoba Azerbaijan. Here is the conversation with local Jewish community. The conversation is interesting in itself as one can see the struggle to understand Juhuri and farsi between locals and us. However we managed. There 13 synagogues in this Jewish town. The population is about 500 and at max during parties and festivities and holidays it reaches 1000. There is a Yeshiva in town. There is a Mikva and at the time there was central house with hotel for visitors. The name Gilak, Gharcheh, etc suggests connection between these people and places of origin in Iran. Note that Qoba and Qermezi Kassaba are on northen Azerbaijan republic.


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