The One Ring being dropped without bouncing comparison - The Lord Of The Rings and The Hobbit

Описание к видео The One Ring being dropped without bouncing comparison - The Lord Of The Rings and The Hobbit

Early on in The Fellowship of the Ring, Bilbo leaves the Ring at Bag End. In the book, he already has the ring in an envelope that he wants to place on the mantelpiece, but he accidentally drops it.

In Peter Jackson’s adaptation of the scene, Bilbo drops the ring - sans envelope - and it falls to the floor with a heavy thud, not bouncing around like any small piece of jewelry would.

According to one of the commentary tracks on the Fellowship of the Ring DVDs, the ring doesn’t skitter across the floor of Bag End because the production crew placed a magnet beneath the floor to make the ring cling to it. This device was an effective way to show the audience just how heavy the ring is (both literally and figuratively) and what a weight it is to carry.


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