Merry Riff-Mas Everybody - Hi-Fi Riff's Favourite Products of 2023!

Описание к видео Merry Riff-Mas Everybody - Hi-Fi Riff's Favourite Products of 2023!

Happy Christmas and welcome to this special edition of your favourite overproduced, super-slick and highly professional hi-fi chat show where absolutely nothing goes wrong!

Relax with us as you recover from all that Christmas sherry, with this look back on our favourite products of 2023, both old and new. Also, we have news of Mike's continuing Rush fanboy behaviour, and a gift giving session where neither of the guys get anything that they wanted.

We'd like to thank all our viewers and subscribers for your continuing support, and hope you have plenty of hi-fi-related festive fun over the next week or so. Cheers!

The eighties-tastic title tune is called ‘UFO/Mike’s Jumper’, and used with the express permission of our old pal and rights holder Simon Lythe.

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