Allama Iqbal || Iqbal: An Approach to Pakistan

Описание к видео Allama Iqbal || Iqbal: An Approach to Pakistan

Did you think the past was another territory? Think again! Arman has questions. Like many other Pakistanis he also wonders how much of what is told about us about over selves is true. Living at the beginning of the 21st Century, he is doomed to teach an obsolete syllabus of Pakistan Studies to a class of college students. He hated his job until one day he finds himself visiting Iqbal in the 1930's.
This is an experimental inter-cutting between two parallel stories running in different times. The first is that of the life and works of Dr. Sir Muhammad Iqbal, who lives in previous century and dreamed of an independent state in this region. The second is the story of Arman, and is unraveled through their intermingling is a mystery about out past, present and future as a people who have much to feel proud of.
The epic sequences shot on real locations at Lahore Fort, Jehangir's Mausoleum, Government College Lahore and the McLeod Road Residence where Iqbal was living at the time of writing down his concept of Pakistan come as a visual treat that adds to your experience of travelling back into your future through past and present.
Production Incharge: Muhammad Numan Chishti. Released by: Iqbal Academy PakistanTelefilm released by Iqbal Academy Pakistan #allamaiqbal #urdu poetry #urdu shayri Our Official Websites


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