Dragonfable: The Price

Описание к видео Dragonfable: The Price

How intriguing! After thinking for a bit, I believe the keepsake is the price, not Timmy. Messimy can hold Timmy just fine, but she couldn't touch the keepsake itself, so it only makes sense.

And finally! We have easier ways of getting the foods! You guys don't understand how much this excites me. It won't be too much longer until I get back to the challenges now, as getting the Rotten Hardtack and Seaweed over and over and over again was too tedious and annoying for what I have going on right now. My graduation is in less than a month, so after that I'll be able to calm down a little bit and hopefully get these challenge battles done :D

Sup? I film Dragonfable releases, PvP, etc. I put up at least one video up per week. If it's an official release, I usually get the video up a couple hours after it's release, if it's a PvP video, You can expect it to be up rather soon after the request depending on when I record the video.

If anyone would like me to fight their characters in PvP, let me know in the comments! Do you have a music request or challenge you'd like me to do such as only using a specific weapon/element/class etc. as well? Just leave a comment and let me know! If you want to have a certain song to play during the fight, as long as it is made by AE, let me know and I'll be sure to put it in the video.

My Equipment:

Weapon: Syzygy Key V(Can be replaced with any of the LTS Key weapons for the same All Resist, or the Ultra Omniknight Blade for maximum All Resist)

Cape: Necro Paragon Cape IV(Can be replaced with Nick's Toasty Cape VIII for the same All Resist)

Ring: Rose General's Ring(Can and probably should be replaced with the Void Chitin Band IV for maximum All Resist, but be aware it reduces your health and mana by 35, and lacks the elemental resistances of the Rose General's Ring)

Helmet: Fierce Dragonlord Helm

Necklace: Crystal Necklace(Can and definitely should be replaced by the Squirrel Tentacle IV, as it is better in almost every way, with the same All Resist.)

Trinket: Elemental Unity Defender V(Replace this with the Maxed out Elemental Unity Defender for Maximum bonuses and All Resist)

Belt: Warding Girdle

Bracer: ShadowHeart Bracer(Do not use this if you are not using any varients of the Shadow Base Classes. This is just so I can do proper amounts of damage. For any other classes, use either the Legion Bracer or Eternal Locket. They have the same Stats, and increase your All by 1, along with various other stats)

Pet: 200 Protection Pet Dragon/Cheshire Twilly

DF Character ID: 22405731

Battleon Forums ID: 456838

Twitter Account: Twitter.com/StrengthDf

All credits go to Artix Entertainment for the game and the thumbnails.


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