You've Been Misled By Traditional Financial Wisdom

Описание к видео You've Been Misled By Traditional Financial Wisdom

Federal employees work hard to grow their wealth, and they want to make sure they're doing the things that are best for their families. But sometimes traditional financial advice isn't what's best for us.

People are encouraged to save and invest in Traditional (pre-tax) retirement accounts like the TSP with the idea that their money will grow faster.

But is this really the smart thing to do? What if this whole time it would have been better to do something different? Does this age-old advice actually result in higher taxes for us in the long run?

In this video I talk through some real examples of how doing this has led to less than favorable results, and how you can protect yourself and potentially reduce your taxes in the future by using a different strategy.

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0:00 Intro
0:33 Compound Interest
1:09 Growth leads to trouble
2:08 Real case example
3:50 Challenges of large accounts
6:00 Looking at solutions

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