Why I am an optimist: We have all the tools but we need more TELOS

Описание к видео Why I am an optimist: We have all the tools but we need more TELOS

Our biggest challenge is not that we have too many wicked problems - it's that we don't use our capacity to solve, togther!

Watch my new film TWICE UPON A TIME:    • Twice upon a time: Our World by 2030....  
Watch my 2021 film: The Good Future
or    • The Good Future: Beautiful, inspiring...  

#optimism #thegoodfuture

All about AI: http://www.weneedtotalkaboutai.com
or    • We need to talk about AI - a film by ...  
The future of work: http://www.howthefutureworks.tv
or    • How The Future Works: Why your ultima...  

Read: http://www.thegreatreduction.com

Read: http://www.thegreatreduction.com

Most of my videos can also be downloaded via my vimeo channel i.e. http://www.storiesfromthefuture.tv

#thegoodfuture #techvshuman #futurist

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If you enjoy my videos and talks, please take a look at my best-selling book “Technology vs Humanity” http://www.techvshuman.com - it's now available in 14 languages!

Gerd Leonhard Futurist, Author and Keynote Speaker Zürich / Switzerland http://www.futuristgerd.com

****For all booking inquiries please go here https://www.futuristgerd.com/contact/...

Twitter: @gleonhard


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