I Survived the Profile Card Challenge... But at What Cost? (Spoiler: It Was Worth It!)

Описание к видео I Survived the Profile Card Challenge... But at What Cost? (Spoiler: It Was Worth It!)

Remember that feeling in school when you think you understand the project instructions, only to realize halfway through you're building a potato instead of a robot? Yeah, that was me facing the FRONT-END MENTOR PROFILE CARD CHALLENGE!
Fret not, my fellow coding adventurers! In this video, you'll witness my glorious (and sometimes slightly panicked) journey to building a responsive, pixel-perfect profile card.
Github repo: https://github.com/Orekihotarou-k/Fro...
Live site: https://main--spectacular-hummingbird...
The challenge: https://www.frontendmentor.io/challen...


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