Trump Advisor Reportedly Wanted To Launch A Drone Strike Against Migrants

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A former Trump White House official claims in a new book that Trump adviser Stephen Miller once suggested that the administration launch a drone strike against a boat filled with migrants that was headed to America. The official, Miles Taylor, says that Miller made the suggestion by adding that it would be in "international waters" so it wasn't that big of a deal. The real threat here is that these are things Trump would actually consider if he gets back into the White House, as Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Former Trump official Miles Taylor, who had served as a chief of staff for the Department of Homeland Security. He's got a new book coming out, and the book is called Blueback, A Warning to Save Democracy from the Next Trump. And in the book, he tells a story of Trump aid. Stephen Miller, the one who had repeatedly throughout the administration, obviously been accused of being racist. He was one who was pushing Donald Trump's disastrous immigration policies. And according to Taylor's new book, Miller, at one point in 2018, teen suggested using a predator drone to blow up a boat filled with migrants that was heading towards the United States. Here's how that interaction, interaction happened. According to Taylor Miller said, quote, tell me why we can't use a predator drone to obliterate the boat. And he was talking to Paul, uh, ZKO and Admiral, then Commandant of the US Coast Guard, uh, Admiral Zuckoff, uh, looked nonplused because Steven, it would be against international law.

And then Miller told this man who knows international law that you don't know much about international law because Miller, by God wanted to blow up that boat filled with those migrants by launching a drone strike against them. Now, Miller's people, of course, had been reached for comment by media outlets. They said, this whole story's totally false. Didn't happen. None of it's true. It's all fake. But is it, I mean, of course you're gonna deny that this happened, you know, so any denial that you give us, we have to take with a grain of salt because nobody wants to publicly admit that. Yeah, we were telling people to blow up boats filled with innocent people just because we didn't want more migrants coming into our country. You know, that sounds awful bigoted, and nobody is gonna want to own up to that. But Miles Taylor, who of course is the one who wrote that anonymous op-ed from within the administration, uh, seems to be a very reliable guy.

I have no reason at the moment to doubt his story. But again, Miller does deny it. So, you know, we don't know who exactly is telling the truth, but based on their histories, personally, I'm gonna go with Taylor being the one being honest here. But the overall problem is this. Donald Trump stands a fairly decent chance right now, believe it or not, of making it back into the White House. If he makes it back into the White House, he is not going to surround himself with people like this, uh, uh, commandant from the Coast Guard who are going to tell him no. Instead, he will surround himself with people like Stephen Miller. So somebody might bring up, Hey, we've got a bunch of migrants coming on a boat. Hey, there's those caravans that you only hear about during election season. What if we

Sent a drone down there and just bombed them all? What if we just killed all these people? Wouldn't that be a good way to put an end to this Donald? And in a second Trump term, there's not gonna be any adults in that room. There's not gonna be any compassionate, reasonable human beings to stand up and say, first of all, it's against the law.


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