20 tips to clear the Patent Agent Exam

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#PatentAgentExamTraining #PatentsAct1970

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20 tips to clear the Patent Agent Exam

Here are the things that we need to look at. These are the 20 tips to clear the Patent Agent exam and we know that mistakes can happen. Most of you would have prepared very well but while you are in the examination hall, there are certain things that you need to focus on.

1. Cite the Law:
The first thing is to understand that the Patent Agent Exam is a legal exam. It's an exam where you are questioned about the law, you may not have a formal legal background, both the examination paper 1 and paper 2 are designed around the Patents Act and the Rules. So, you need to know the law and you need to cite the law. Citing the law is one thing that you will always keep in mind, because by citing the law, you are going to demonstrate your proficiency in the law, at the end of the day, the exam itself is to test your proficiency in the law.
i. Ignorance of law - It is not an excuse and the same is true for evasion as well you know leaving of the law is also not an excuse. So, the legal provisions have to be mentioned, you have to mention the correct Section, the Rules, the Form and if there is something linked by way of Fees that also has to be mentioned.
ii. Provisions of Patents Act & the Rules - Bear in mind when a question, especially a question in paper 2 comes your way which is a situational based question, you have to link these 4 things, if there is a relevant section or sections you need to know that then you need to know the connected rules to it because most of the sections will have some kind of a variable. The section has a detail, you will find it prescribed and the rules. Now, some of the sections would say that as maybe prescribed or as prescribed, whenever there is a prescription the details will be found in the rules, so you need to know the rules as well.
iii. Forms - The section and the rules may manifest in a form. We have 31 forms totally and you can use these forms for various proceedings. So, one way to understand the forms is that the forms are used in transactions, when you want to transact something with the patent office, you want to deal with the patent office that is when you will use forms and forms itself is a great way to understand the section and the rules because the forms do mention the section and the rules. So one of the ways you will remember the provisions of the Act would be to look at the forms and the forms at the top we'll mention the section and the rules and use that tool, the form as your point of study to understand the section and the rules. So, this may itself be a way forward for a person to just look at all the 31 forms, understand or make a note on the provisions that are covered in the forms, both the sections and the rules and to form a pattern like if you are going to refer to form 1, then what are the rules correct sections connected to it, rules connected to it and what could be the fee. So, if somebody can create a pattern or tabular column which makes it easy for a person to memorize, then that will hold you good because this is what they want to ask or this is what they want you to demonstrate. When it comes to a situation based question. You have to mention the section makes mentioned the rules mentioned the forms and if there is a connected fee that also needs to be mentioned.


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