Durga Puja 2020 | Navami Puja | Homa | 25 Oct 2020 : Belur Math

Описание к видео Durga Puja 2020 | Navami Puja | Homa | 25 Oct 2020 : Belur Math

#RamakrishnaMath #RamakrishnaMission
Durga Puja 2020 will be celebrated at Belur Math from 21 Oct - 26 Oct 2020. Navami, 25 Oct 2020

Navami Puja: 5: 17 am.
Homa: 7: 00 am

Donations for Durga Puja at Belur Math (Indian Nationals): http://bit.ly/durapujadonationsINR
Donations for Durga Puja at Belur Math (Foreign Nationals): http://bit.ly/durgapujadonationsUSD

For the latest news and updates: https://media.belurmath.org
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