My Brown Skin Girl: Love Spoken Word Piece by Olagodo Timelehin 🥰

Описание к видео My Brown Skin Girl: Love Spoken Word Piece by Olagodo Timelehin 🥰

...what is this feeling in my heart? It's tinkling 😍..

Listen to the rhythmic verses of Olagodo Timelehin's spoken word poem, "My Brown Skin Girl." This heartfelt performance captures the essence of love and admiration. Join us as Olagodo weaves words into a melody that celebrates the beauty of connection and the joy of finding one's other half. Don't miss this poetic journey that resonates with the soulful beats of life and love.

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60 Second Poetry is a Nigerian spoken word platform where I seek to give you a piece of my soul through the gift of spoken words and performance poetry. I would cover a lot of topics, I could be your political poem, your angry poem, an inspirational poem, a life poem, a Nigerian poem, or your love poem plug.

#spokenwordpoetry #NigeriaSpokenWord


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