8-Year-Old Asthma Cure in 5 months with Dr. Sharda Ayurvedic Treatment | अस्थमा

Описание к видео 8-Year-Old Asthma Cure in 5 months with Dr. Sharda Ayurvedic Treatment | अस्थमा

Watch the healing journey of Ms. Sanaklita, who was fully dependent on an inhaler and her asthma was so severe that dying was much easier for her than dealing with this respiratory disorder. Know how Ayurveda and natural remedies came to her rescue and how she is living a happy & healthy life!
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For 8 years she was facing difficulties in breathing healthily. Whenever the season changed, she had trouble breathing every time. It became difficult for her to breathe in, and there was a huge amount of discomfort. With the breathing issues, she also faced the symptoms like chest tightness, chest pain, and whooping cough. She regularly took multiple medicines and consulted so many doctors.No doubt, the medicines gave her quick relief but brought a lot many side effects. Her lungs started to get damaged.

As she narrated, the major event that frightened her to date is, when one day after waking up from her sleep, she wasn’t able to breathe, she felt so helpless and thought, she was about to lose her life. Her family rushed into the emergency and got really worried for her. After stabilizing her and multiple blood tests and x-ray, the doctors told them she had a severe asthma attack.

After the diagnosis, her life changed completely, she was fully dependent on inhalers. Even for simple chores, she used inhalers. The kitchen work and the normal daily chores required her to be dependent on them. Initially, she was able to manage her asthma with one inhaler puff, but later it became difficult for her to survive on a single inhaler and single puff.

One fine day, she saw the video of Dr. Sharda Ayurveda where Dr. Mukesh Sharda was sharing 4 tips for asthma patients. She says, after following those tips her condition improved. Those simple tips really helped her.

After following those for a few days, she took an online consultation from the experts of Dr. Sharda Ayurveda. The experts comprehensively studied the medical history and present scenario and accordingly planned the asthma treatment. As she was unable to visit the clinic, her medicines were delivered to her place. Along with this, she strictly followed a healthy diet and lifestyle modifications which included Yoga & meditation. These healthy practices helped in treating asthma in a wonderful manner.

After 5 months of asthma Ayurvedic treatment, she was free from asthma inhalers,
asthma cough, and all the discomfort! Now, she lives a happy, healthy, and peaceful life.

We are glad that Ayurveda has helped her. Such healing stories encourage us to treat mankind naturally!


अस्थमा को कैसे ठीक करें बिना स्टेरॉइड्स वाले इन्हेलर्स के।
इनहेलर पर निर्भरता आपको बस कुछ समय के लिए राहत प्रदान करते है,
अस्थमा जानलेवा भी हो सकती है अगर सही समय पर इलाज न कराया जाए।
आयुर्वेदा में है अस्थमा को जड़ से ठीक करने का उपचार।
✅ 1 लाख से अधिक रोगियों का सफल इलाज
✅ 2007 से आपकी सेवा में |
✅ अनुभवी डॉक्टरों की टीम |
अधिक जानकारी के लिए नीचे दिए नंबरों पर समपर्क करें:
📞 9876035500, 9876235500

👉 Learn more about Asthma disease: https://bit.ly/3qIxc1L
👉 Best Home remedies for asthma: https://bit.ly/3eNWoRH

About Dr. Sharda Ayurveda
We are believers in the Power to heal and focus to serve mankind with a purely natural approach. We aim to treat the disease from its root cause with no side effects. With holistic science, directly from the Vedas we also want to educate people so that they can live a happy, healthy & disease-free life!

Hospital Locations- Ludhiana | Mohali | Bathinda | Shri Muktsar Sahib


The information provided by us is for general and educational purposes only. It should never be used as a substitute for medical advice. Before, following our content it is recommended to consult a qualified medical professional. Dr. Sharda Ayurveda does not take responsibility for any possible health consequences of the people following the information in the educational content.

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